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Contemporary Christian Fellowships

Sojourner's Fellowships® ... are places for those called by God's Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord to share the Gospel and their calling with other called people.

Sojourner's Fellowships® ... participants seek the lost in their families, communities, regions, and nations, presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They teach and nourish converts to duplicate the faith in others.  As the fellowships grow they plant other fellowships developing a network of believers that ever expands.

Sojourner's Fellowships® ... participants seek believers who are not a part of any fellowship, encouraging them in their faith and inviting them to be a part of a Sojourner's Fellowship ®.

Testimony - I felt real hesitant in the beginning to let The Sojourner and Mrs. Sojourner come into my home.  My mother had asked me so many times that I finally gave in!  To my amazement they were and still are what I have been searching for so I could learn and understand the words of the Bible and what God and Jesus really mean!  Boy, if I knew then what I know now, they would have been coming to my house the first time my Mother asked.

I am so much more blessed and learning so much from the teaching and "words" that Mrs. Sojourner receives from the Holy Spirit for my family and I.

A Participant

General Information: info@sojournershub.org


What we do:

Sojourner's®... realizing this world is not their final home, are migrant workers... harvesters in the service of Almighty God.

Sojourner's® ... know they are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for them to do.

Sojourner's® ... strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind up the injured, bring back the strays, and search for the lost.

Sojourner's® ... treat others well, act nobly toward them, and are merciful, sympathetic, tender, responsive, and compassionate even as God the Father is compassionate.

Sojourner's® ... provide a place of pasture where God's called can graze on His word.

Sojourner's® ... allow the habitation of God himself as He tends them and as they seek Him and rest in His presence.

Sojourner's® ... cover every corner of the pasture given them by God.

Sojourner's® ... submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Sojourner's® ... dwell in the peace of God and the peace of God dwells in them.

Sojourner's® ... yield good fruit and harvest unto the Lord their God.

Sojourner's® ... are seeds both being planted and planting wherever they go.

Drop us a note! mailto:thesojourner@sojournershub.org

Want to minister to others... let us help... contact us!

  ....Harvesters in the service of Almighty God...Sojourner's Fellowships...going from Believers to Practitioners!

Troubled, depressed in despair, just plain looking?

We may be what you are looking for as small, intimate groups of Believers in Jesus Christ and The Kingdom!

We don't care how you dress, what you've done (good or bad), which side of the tracks you grew up on or come from, now!

It's where you are going that is important!

Tell me how to be a part!

Like peas in a pod we grow and plant together!

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We welcome new people!

We are interested in building "The Kingdom" not our kingdoms.

We do not wish to perpetuate the mistakes of tradition nor do we wish to abandon the good in some traditions!

General Information: info@sojournershub.org

Internet Gatherings

Want To Minister To Others?

Called but not permitted, this is expressed by so many. 

You may be able to answer your call and help us reach the vision we have been given. 

What is the vision?  A Sojourner's Fellowship in every county in North America, in every equivelent local in India, and other countries in the 10/40 Window. 

I'm interested tell me how!

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Be a part of a meeting on the internet?

Net Meeting

A wonderful way for a homebound person or nursing home resident to not be isolated!

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Start a Fellowship

Read Teaching Sketch (pdf)

Weekly Teaching... "Ability Living!" By The Sojourner

Listen 0:27:25pod_icon.gif (820 bytes)


A Testimony

Sojourner's Fellowship has been a blessing to me, not only in just my closer relationship with Jesus, but by all the wonderful people I have met and the "family" I have found. 

Jesus has been so good to me and faithful.  I have had blessing after blessing, from finances to healing.  Many, many answered prayers.  God is good.

Rita H. 



Why the Turtle?

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bulletThe turtle has been The Sojourner's mascot for nearly 40 years.

Here's why:

bulletIt is at home everywhere it goes.
bulletIt doesn't get anywhere unless it sticks it's neck out.
bulletIt has a hard enough shell that it is not easily hurt.
bulletThe turtle is so attached to it's covering that it's covering is an integral part of it's backbone!
bulletThe turtle not only finishes the race but wins it!






Links we like:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Trinity Broadcasting

"Hope For East Africa"


"The Ramp"

Mercy Ministries of America

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The Ministry of Josh & Claudia Juetten

Paul Dietrich Music

Come & Dine Christian Book Store

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Financial Support

Please note, all offerings go to the support of  Sojourner's Fellowship Church, The Sojourner and The Sojourner's Ministries unless other wise designated. Contact us for information on how to participate with us.



Audrey Day Marino

Chad Bogard

Bessie "Kitten" Davies



Send mail to webmaster@sojournershub.org with questions or comments about this web site.              
Copyright © 2002-2008 The Sojourner All Rights Reserved
Last modified: September 04, 2008