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A "Cell Fellowship" where all members function in their callings and giftings as the Lord Jesus Christ imparts through the Holy Spirit!

Like all Sojourner's Fellowships, the Manchester, Tennessee fellowship is a "Cell Fellowship" where all members follow in their callings and giftings as the Lord Jesus Christ imparts through the Holy Spirit.

Key Benefits

bulletThe Holy Spirit promised by Jesus Christ is permitted to do all Christ promised!
bulletAll are able to function as Holy Spirit directs in the fellowship.
bulletThe "Five Fold Ministry" is able to function in fullness.
bulletEveryone is afforded the opportunity to serve.


All Sojourners present the Gospel. Some plant, others water, and still others harvest. Yet each Sojourner does all of these functions, sometimes doing only one of these functions and other times any combination of these functions.
Since all Sojourners function in the utilization (active use) of the gifts afforded through Holy Spirit, healings are evident within the cells of Sojourner's Fellowships.
Through the power of the name of Jesus, dynamic deliverance is in evidence in the Sojourner's Fellowship Cells.
Deliverance from demonic oppression is not only a wonderful event in the life of the person delivered but also along with Salvation and Healing a tremendous  demonstration of the power of God to the believer and non-believer alike!


The Lord Blesses Rita with First Grandchild
Overcoming difficulties in birth that could have been life threatening
to both mother and child Rita, her daughter, and her son-in-law are blessed!
Rita is a member of Sojourner's Fellowship, Manchester, TN.


horizontal rule


If you would like information please send an email to: Manchester Info


Links we like:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Trinity Broadcasting

"Hope For East Africa"


"The Ramp"

Mercy Ministries of America

Josh Cla Jue.jpg (3426 bytes)

The Ministry of Josh & Claudia Juetten

Paul Dietrich Music

Come & Dine Christian Book Store

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Financial Support

Please note, all offerings go to the support of  Sojourner's Fellowship Church, The Sojourner and The Sojourner's Ministries unless other wise designated. Contact us for information on how to participate with us.



Audrey Day Marino

Chad Bogard

Bessie "Kitten" Davies



Send mail to webmaster@sojournershub.org with questions or comments about this web site.              
Copyright © 2002-2008 The Sojourner All Rights Reserved
Last modified: September 04, 2008